End of June 2017, very close to the shelter, we heard a sad meowing of a kitten. We searched for a few days and finally on July 2nd the kitten was found in an abandoned house that can be seen from the shelter.
We were in shock when we found out that house was occupied by a small colony of stray cats. We started TNR program of those cats. From beginning of July we spotted 6 kittens and took them in, we also spayed 2 females and neutered 3 males. We are still trying to catch and spay/neuter as many cats possible.
Milos is the fifth kitten we have rescued and brought to the shelter.
He tested negative for FIV, FeLV, FIP and Panleucopenia. He is dewormed, vaccinated and neutered.
He has very endearing character and he loves the company of humans. He also gets along with other cats. He is very cooperative.